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Los Angeles, California

Private in Your Home Services in Los Angeles, Dates and pricing available

Available dates listed below

On these Available dates we can work with either Ayahuasca & Kambo, Sacred Mushrooms & Cacao, 5MeO DMT, or DMT.

Based on your needs/preference we will choose ONE Master Plant Teacher to work with, We only work with ONE  and do not mix  Medicines out of Integrity to the Plant Spirits and Pachamama Mother Earth.

Example: Mushrooms & Ayahuasca=No

5Meo-Dmt & Ayahuasca=No

Cacao & Mushrooms= Yes

Kambo & Ayahuasca=Yes

In Your home Day Sessions 

Dates Available listed below or contact for availability


Start at your home 7am, Introduction, Cleansing of your home, pre ceremony preparations and intention setting, 1 ceremony of choice, closing integration coaching, departure of Angelo same day evening. 

 Provide your own ceremony blankets and pillows, and a safe place to hold ceremony, can be your bedroom or place of your choice, must be a private place with no distractions, no pets in the space. Length of sessions vary on the type of ceremony. Los Angeles area and beyond. Please inquire about your location.

Prices for in your home day sessions:

One day retreats in your home for single person, prices include non refundable deposit to book and commit,  want to have your partner, sibling, or best friend join? Sure, see additional person price below. After receiving deposit, Balance is due at time of retreat.


Ayahuasca- Deposit $300, Total Price $800. Additional people $400 each, up to 4 total.

 This is a very sacred ceremony,  held in a shamanistic manner, with Icaro songs and traditional tools to assist during the ceremony, its an all day engagement expect  8-12 hrs of work.

Sacred Mushroom- Deposit $200, Total Price $600. Additional people $300 each, up to 4 total.

This is a Highly sacred ceremony, held in a Shamanistic manner, with spirit songs and tools to assist during the ceremony. Expect 6-8 hrs of work.

Organic BUFO Toad- Deposit $100, Total Price $200. Additional people $100, up to 4 total.

The GOD Molecule, short lived but most powerful instant connection/disconnection healing ever. Expect 2 -3 hrs of work.

DMT- Deposit $75, Total Price $150. Additional people $75, up to 4 total.

Beginner friendly, and sourced from master plant teachers, a short lived journey to shatter your reality about reality. Expect 1-2 hrs of work.

KAMBO- Deposit $100, Total Price $200. Additional people $100, up to 4 total.

A physical detox, a spiritual cleanse, to purge all that no longer serves you. expect 2-3 hrs of work.

REIKI- Deposit $50, Total Price $100.

1 hour of reiki to relax and align your chakras.  

QHHT- Deposit ___, Total Price ___.

FREE until 25th session of internship is met, Expect 5-8 hrs of work.


Deposits can be made via Zelle, Venmo, PayPal, and Cash App. Once deposit is received the Status will be changed to BOOKED on Available Dates Chart below. Links to send deposit will be sent through email once we agree on a service and date.

All booking is done through email, email is the preferred and only way to inquire. No phone calls, all questions suitable to be asked can be asked through email. 

Preparations for in your home sessions:

30 day Diet, 2 week Diet, and 3 day Diet options depending on medicine being used. The day of ceremony please be fasted, Drink only water. Have a prepared light dinner/snacks and drinks for yourself for after ceremony. Expect a whole day of work, don't plan anything but ceremony for this day. More information regarding diet will be discussed after booking

Available Dates:

February 2025

Monday 17th-Available

Friday 21st- Available

Saturday 22nd- Available

Monday 24th-Available

Friday 28th-Available

March 2025

Saturday March 1st-Available  Saturday 22nd-Available

Monday 3rd-Available Monday 24th-Available

Friday 7th-Available Friday 28th-Available

Saturday 8th-Available Saturday 29th-Available

Monday 10th-Available Monday 31st-Available

Friday 14th-Available

Saturday 15th-Available

Monday 17th-Available

Friday 21st-Available

April 2025 (Will also have all inclusive retreats at Pink House in Bend, OR.)

Friday 4th-Available

Friday 25th-Available

Saturday 26th-Available

Monday 28th-Available

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