Spirit Traditions
Master plant teacher Ceremonies with ChamÁn Curandero Angelo
Discover The Healing of Ayahuasca, Psilocybin Mushrooms, 5MeO-DMT, DMT, Sacred Cacao, Kambo, Shamanistic Reiki and QHHT.
Check Retreats tab for more Info.
Private retreats are great for first timers, Group retreats at different locations all have their own etiquette, there are the pros and cons to having a powerful healing experience around many different people.
Group Healing Cons: Being distracted from doing your healing because you are curious to what's going on around you. Not enough one on one time with the Chamans.
Group healing Pros: Meeting people from all walks of life searching for healing, listening to other peoples experiences in integration talks.
Private Healing Pros: Being able to fully surrender to the experience in comfort and privacy, being able to cry, yell, release without judgement. It's all about you and your personal intimate healing. Personal Integration sessions.
Private Healing Cons: Not meeting different people, socializing can be really fun and a selling point for some people.
Now Offering
Quantum Healing
Hypnosis Technique
Chaman Angelo became very interested in QHHT when he learned about the miraculous healing Dolores Cannons hypnosis sessions were accomplishing. Not everyone is a good candidate for powerful master plants, so Angelo decided adding this modality to his healing offerings was a must. The mind has the power to make you sick, and it also has the power to heal. In QHHT, we venture into some past lives, the most revelant to your life now, where we can get insights and learn, after we contact your higher self, the Subconscious, The all knowing god self, Do you believe in reincarnation? If so, the higher self, your spirit, knows absolutely everything about you. This is where we can ask it questions to get some clarity on your path in this life now. It's a powerful way to heal and to get to know yourself on a deep level.

... the real deal and the truth."
"Angelo is extraordinarily gifted! He is a warm, loving soul. The beautiful energy and love he pours into work can be felt days and weeks after energy clearing. He is the real deal and the truth."